Are  you  a  Christian  golfer  who  feels  like you  want  to  grow  in  your  faith  while  continuing  to  improve  your  game?

Do you long to integrate the two in a way that feels authentic and meaningful? If so, you're not alone. Many Christian golfers struggle to reconcile their passion for golf with their desire to grow in their faith.

What  are  the  Benefits  to  YOU?

You're not alone. Many Christian golfers struggle to reconcile their passion for golf with their desire to grow in their faith.

Not  Just  a  Book,  a Transformation
We are called by Jesus to "obey all that He has commanded us".

How do we know what that is?

Study the four Gospels or biographies of Jesus along with your fellow Christ-Follower Golfers.

This book introduces you to Golfing to Greatness in your game & faith life.

You may be frustrated with your game and the interaction with your faith. 

There's no reason for frustration when you see the intersection of how God has led you here.

So run, don't walk to join read the book and join our Faith Foursomes.

What  are  Others  Saying

Golf From the Heart has been implementing the Golfing to Greatness Discipleship Program in one form or another for 6 years. The results of the Spiritual growth have been monumental.

Bill has a unique way of combining his two passions, golf and drawing people towards Christ. Bill is uniquely positioned to share his knowledge and love of the game of golf using it as a tool to Disciple folks to look more like Christ. Bill is an excellent leader, who has a contagious passion for growing the kingdom.

Brad W
Men's Pastor

Bill's love for the Lord Jesus Christ and his love for the game of golf, shine through in every conversation we have together. He is a true inspiration and a man who gives it up to God in his faith journey.

Jon D
Dir of Instruction, The Medallion Club

Obviously, Bill is a gifted leader. His passion for Christ and golf blend in a unique way to make him excellent at raising funds via the arena of golf, especially for Kingdom causes.

Ron W
Helping people find faith and live abundantly in Christ

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

But that's not all..... You have the opportunity to immediately dig deep into the word of God through our Golfing to Greatness Discipleship Gospel Chapter a Day 91-day schedule and forms.  We've also added a private Facebook Group for Fellowship with other golfers.

Act now to take advantage of the principles in this book and join the next Faith Foursome Fellowship with like-spirited golfers. 

Just $17.00 more. 100% money back guarantee if unsatisfied.

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The Gospel Chapter a Day Schedule

The Workbook containing the Discipleship Forms

Access to the Private FaceBook Group

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  • 1xeBook - Golf From the Heart, a Discipleship Program for Golfers Who are Christ-Followers$27

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